Morning worship at 10:30 am
Evening Candlelight at 7:00 pm
We hope you will join us as we celebrate this annual holy time, of remember the gift of Jesus Christ, Immanuel, God-with-us. We will spend time in songs, share communion and offer up a healing prayer with an anointing of oil (at both services).
Morning service will offer children's message for families. Kids of all ages welcomed at all our services. Evening service will offer more contemplative, reflective worship style. Candlelight singing of "Silent Night" will send us into the evening, preparing us for a brand new day.
Greeter, Usher, Communion Setup & Serving, Readers
If you are joining us this Sunday, please sign up here, talk with Roger Mikelson (651-332-6849) or let Pastor Jen know.
Here are the roles:
Greeter Usher Communion Server Sanctuary Clean up
Kids Message (1-2 per month) Readers
Each year the church sets goals for our budget, we think about why we are doing the work we're invested in (intention) as well as how we plan to accomplish our goals. Every person in a community has a role to play, your commitment helps guide us in discerning the HOW we plan to accomplish our ministry goals. We need to hear from you, what is your generosity plan?
If you've never made a generosity plan before, let's do this together. Think about your goals and how you'd like to engage within the Redeemer community? What energizes you and how can you commit to being a part?!
Example of Generous Time Opportunities:
- Worship Volunteering to be a reader, join worship or audio tech team
- Cooking + Serving Community meals
- Northside Parish Partnership
- Church Leadership
- Advocacy (work with partner organizations and Synod)
- Eco+Faith
- Racial Equity
- Immigrants/ Refugees / Local Mission Developments
Generous Financial + In-Kind Gifts
- $1 per week amounts to $50 per year! Every age, every person can create significant change, helping meet goals.
- Diaper Donations once a month, provides a family with $35-40 saved for other resources needed
- $135 per month from each family* would help Redeemer to sustain, retain and hire new staff, musicians and contractors; also striving to prioritize providing a fairer and more equitable wage.
- $40 per month from each family* would help maintain our building as an asset for the community
- $250 gift allows community engagement opportunity like Summer Cookout or Community Meal to happen
- $1k month sustains affordable housing
*We understand and acknowledge everyone is at different economic places and has very different needs. We want you to discern and give what you can, in the ways that you can knowing we appreciate every moment of time and every penny received. It is a blessing to be stewarded in order to work toward the common good for Redeemer, Harrison and beyond. Your participation and engagement in the life of this community is what is truly desired. THANK YOU for being here, we value and appreciate you!
Led by the Spirit and with prayerful consideration, each individual and family is invited to determine what faithful commitment they will make to community of Redeemer Lutheran Church for 2024. The chart below shares a framework to get you started. Even the smallest amount contributes to supporting this faith community and our neighbors in BIG WAYS! Above are just some of the examples to use the skills, passions and love you have for the sake of your neighbor. Please reach out if you’d like to learn more about the ways in which your generosity creates impactful ministry.
The inspiration for our theme comes from the hard stories of Advent. Jesus is born amid upheaval and historical change and among people who seemed powerless. But when the world feels hopeless, Advent reminds us God is with us. In chaos, God is with us. In suffering, God is with us. In uncertainty, God is with us. In whatever our family and our community endures, God is with us. This theme invites you and your congregation to explore the ways in which Immanuel, God-with-us, brings hope, peace, love, and joy to your home and community, especially during hard times.
Again, congratulations to all who received a bible on Sunday or Wednesday. We hope that you explore and try out new ways to get to know God through stories, songs, prayer and conversation! Pastor Jen has some resources for you:
Augsburg Fortress, under 1517 Media publisher has a large selection of Bibles and books to engage with. Check out the selection. Maybe you'll want to start a small book group yourself!
Bible Tabs for your Bibles - don't worry about not having every book memorized. There are 66 of them! Here is a simple tool that can help navigate the different books of the Bible with ease.
Bible Guide and Journal
Are you able to sponsor a bible? Average cost is $20-25. Please make a sponsorship donation online here. *Note for Bible Sponsorship.
Sunday, January 14 at 12:30 pm
Church Fellowship Hall (downstairs)
On behalf of Redeemer Center for Life, Board members invite anyone to join this listening session. Youthprise an organization in the Twin Cities, will be giving a presentation on a proposal to potentially purchase an RCFL property. Come and listen, there will be a time for questions following presentations.
Northside Residents Redevelopment Council
Youth Spaces at Harrison Park: Spark'd Studios at Harrison Park!
Game Night: Fridays from 3:00pm-5:00pm
Spark'd Studios at Harrison Park now has Nintendo Switches! Come hang out with us as we end the week playing games such as Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, and Nintendo Switch Sport! There are also 4 computers that have access to Roblox and other cool games! Drop-in is available or register here. This is for youth ages 8-18.
Open Studio: Tuesdays from 3:00pm-6:30pm and Thursdays from 3:00pm-5:00pm
Drop into Harrison Park's new creative space, and work on any technology that you want with Spark'd Studios Specialist Kuamutsua Xiong. Students ages 10-18 can either work independently on laptops, or collaboratively with the studio equipment.
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and City of Lakes Community Land Trust are building 17 affordable townhomes in the Harrison neighborhood of Minneapolis! Click here to learn more about the Harrison Townhomes.
The Harrison Neighborhood Association is working with Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid to provide free legal help every TUESDAY and THURSDAY from 10:00 am - 3:30 pm. They are able to help with family law, consumer, public benefits, housing, tax, and immigration problems. Walk-ins are welcome, however, appointments are preferred. Call 612-352-9778 or visit for more information. (1501 Glenwood Ave. Suite A, Mpls MN)
Wednesday, January 10, 2024, 6:00- 8:00 pm
Welcome Rachel Carmichael, Salem Lutheran Church Staff member as Redeemer's NEW COMMUNITY MEALS COORDINATOR. Say hello to Rachel when you see her, get to know her more as you volunteer chopping!
This opportunity will fund and continue to support Redeemer's mission to be a Beacon of Hope for the Harrison Neighborhood, N. Mpls and beyond. We will offer monthly meals, beginning September 20th, 6:00-8:00 pm. Sign up to volunteer to prep, serve and be a community host (greet and connect people).
Please save these dates. You are invited to join in asking "Where is Redeemer heading?" "What are our goals + priorities?" "Where can I get involved?"
Wednesday, January 10- Church Forum: 2024 Annual Report + Budget, 6:30 pm
Sunday, January 21- Church Forum: 2024 Annual Report + Budget, after worship
Sunday, January 28- Annual Meeting at 12:30 pm
Potluck immediately after worship, bring a dish to share. Happening online and in-person. Zoom information to come.
24- Christmas Eve worship at 10:30 am (Family Style, pajamas optional)
24- Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship at 7:00 pm
25/26- Office Closed (12/25 + 12/26)
31- Carols 'n Lessons Worship
10- Community Meal
10- Church Forum: 2024 Annual Report + Budget, 6:30 pm
14- RCFL Church + Community Listening Session at 12:30 Fellowship Hall
21- Church Forum: 2024 Annual Report + Budget, after worship
28- Annual Meeting at 12:30 pm