Faith Formation
We believe that children grow in faith and learn by being in worship. They experience God’s grace and love by being part of a faith community. This is essential for faith formation. Therefore, children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to worship in community with their family - wiggles, giggles and any expression of “making a joyful noise” is celebrated and respected in our worship.
We are committed to creating a wonder-filled place and space to explore, question and discover God’s love.
What to expect while worshiping with kids…
Faith formation also occurs in meaningful, hands-on opportunities geared to learners of all ages. These opportunities take place on Sundays before or following worship, gathered on or off site through out the year. We will focus on practicing our faith as we lean on our Baptismal promises, and engage with the life of the church and world.
Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities…
Redeemer loves kids! Your children are welcome in worship and at the Lord’s Table, and their noises are celebrated! Pick up a Redeemer Kids Bags for your kiddos to help them engage in ways that work for them in worship. We have activity sheets, fidget items, and books. Please return the bags at the end of worship so they’ll be ready next week.
We are developing a Prayground in our worship space.
Family Faith Tools:
At Redeemer, as Jesus did, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ. As we strive to be A Beacon of Hope, that also means letting our littlest of lights shine bright! We welcome the sounds and activity that accompany them! Kids learn from others, especially the adults in their lives. May we keep introducing our young people (infants on up) to the importance of gathering in sacred space fully and wholly as they are. Whether that sacred space is in our sanctuary, homes or great outdoors.
There are a number of spaces we are designing for our kids at all ages to experience and participate in, especially during worship. At the entrance to the worship space, kids can pick from a selection of quiet manipulatives and creative tools to take to their seats in the REDEEMER KID BAGS. There are baskets with a variety of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.
New to our Sanctuary in South East corner of our Sanctuary is The Prayground. Read more about other churches and where this idea was cultivated on link below. This area is designed for children to engage in age-appropriate activities while experiencing God in their own ways of worshipping in the sanctuary along with their families and the whole of the Redeemer community. We will be adding a wider liturgy library for all ages to explore, learn and grow with God as they find their way of belonging. This will stretch us as adults, reminding us of Jesus' ask to have "childlike faith" as we make enough space for kids to be kids wherever we are at on our journey.