Meet Redeemer’s Staff
Bridge Interim Pastor
Tyrone Wade (He/Him/His)
Alyssa Schwitzer (She/Her/Hers)
Main Office Contact
Reach out to our Northside Pastors
Pastor Eric Hoffer | 952-240-9861
Pastor Deanna Kim Bassett | (612) 521-7655
2024 Church Council Ministers
Sarah Stadie
Stuart Munk
Maggie Dexheimer Pharris
Open Position
Beth Heinly-Munk
Dennis West
Sam Benson
Kelly Mielke
Rachel Birkedal
Linnae Nelson-Seys
Sally Ankerfelt
A Timeline of Our Story
June 6, 1909 - The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Redeemer officially chartered. Reverend John Zundel was its first pastor and services were held in Scandia Republican Club Hall.
March 20, 1910 - First confirmation class was nine members.
December 1910 - Congregation buys Methodist Church at Irving & Glenwood for $2000.
July 9, 1911 - Reverend Carroll J. Rockey became Pastor after death of Reverend Zundel.
January 1920 - Reverend J. Franklin Marlatte became Pastor for 43 years until his death on Feb. 8, 1963.
June 1920 - 419 Newton Avenue North property was purchased for parsonage.
April 21, 1929 - Present church building dedicated.
December 1948 - Installation of stained-glass windows completed.
June 1963 - Reverend Michael D. Furney called as Pastor, serving until November 1977.
May 22, 1966 - Marlatte Parish Education Unit completed and dedicated.
Fall 1977 - Interim Pastor Reverend Carl Sunwall served until fall of 1978.
October 1, 1978 - Reverend John R. Bohnsack is Redeemer's 5th Pastor until December 1988.
June 14, 1982 - KARS program for children elementary through teenage years begins.
January 1989 - Interim Pastor Reverend Keith Olstad served until summer of 1990.
September 1990 - Reverend Tyrone Partee called as Pastor, serving until 1995.
August 1991 - Assistant Pastor Reverend Susanne Ferkey until August 1992.
Summer 1995 - Interim Pastor Reverend Phil Anderson takes over until fall of 1996.
February 1, 1997 - Reverend Steve Lomen called as Pastor of Redeemer.
September 1997 - Congregation approved the Redeemer Center for Life (RCFL), a separate corporation from Redeemer formed to serve the needs of Harrison Neighborhood.
March 1999 - Congregation voted to sell upper parking lot to RCFL to build Milda's Corner.
2000 - Reverend Beverly Wallace becomes assistant Pastor until fall of 2001.
June 2001 - Reverend Kelly Chatman becomes Redeemer's 8th Pastor. Pastor Steve Lomen becomes Executive Director of RCFL.
December 2001 - Grand opening of the original Peace Palace.
June 2002 - Pastor Kelly Chatman becomes Executive Director of RCFL and retains position as Pastor of Redeemer.
2003 - Reverend Jeff Nehrbass begins serving as Assistant Pastor until 2006.
2005 - Peace Palace is moved across Morgan Avenue to RCFL property.
2008 - Marilu Thomas becomes Executive Director of RCFL. Pastor Chatman continues to serve as Pastor of Redeemer.
2009 - Redeemer Lutheran Church and RCFL begin a campaign to develop the entire surrounding block and hold joint visioning sessions throughout the spring.
June 7, 2009 - Redeemer celebrates 100 years with a worship service and an open house. A Capital Campaign is launched to raise $300,000 over three years to help replace the church roof and make other building improvements.
February 2020 - Pastor Kelly Chatman retired from both Redeemer Lutheran Church and Redeemer Center for Life.
February 2020 - August 2022 - With the leadership and wisdom of interim pastor Rev. Dr. Sharon Kelly and bridge pastor Rev. Peter Samuelson, Redeemer congregation discerns and re-imagines its values, vision, and mission for the future in Harrison neighborhood.
June 2020 - Veronica Hawman installed as Executive Director of Redeemer Center for Life
August 15, 2022 - Reverend Jen Collins called as pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church
February 2023 - Leon Dixon, Jr. installed as Executive Director of Redeemer Center for Life