Grace and Peace to you.
The last couple of weeks I have engaged with the larger church. Which is a part of my role as Pastor to fulfill, "to the work of the whole church." For those still getting to know me, I've been serving in a ministry role for 15 years (8 being ordained ministry). I really became aware of this milestone moment as I attended the ELCA's Youth Ministry Network's Extravaganza, a conference drawing together over 1,000 leaders in children, youth and family ministry, along with teachers, resource providers and leaders from the ELCA. We had moments of blessing and celebrating those who are in their 1st year of ministry as well as those who are in their 25+ years of ministry. I led two workshops about "Food+Faith" (which hopefully I can share with you all too). It was a gift to reflect, pray and celebrate our collective answering of God's calling, living out our vocations in a myriad of ways; whether you are rostered leader (pastor/deacon) or a person who just loves God and others.
This conference took place in New Orleans, LA because this is where this summer (July 13-20) the ELCA will host the Youth Gathering for high school and young adults. I am honored to be serving for my second term, part of the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE). I am the community outreach + engagement manager for MYLE. So, we were working hard at the Extravaganza to get as much on the ground work done with each visit. This Pre-Event is the largest gathering of BIPOC persons in the ELCA, they are our BIPOC Youth and what an important gift it is to plan this opportunity for empowering our young leaders. We anticipate over 700 MYLE participants engaging with this Gathering's theme: "Created to Be" inspired from Psalm 139. I wholeheartedly think this opportunity for youth leadership is so vital for our faith communities to support and provide leadership opportunities for our young people to keep emerging as leaders in our communities; to feel connected, to have safe and meaningful places and spaces to belong and be themselves. It is exciting to dream up this event so that our young people know they are so loved and supported!
Lastly, bringing the ministry work back to Minneapolis. Our current Bishop, Ann Svennungsen is completing her term. We extend a HUGE thank you and celebrate all the work and support she has provided for our Minneapolis ELCA congregations and larger communities! Continue to pray for Bishop Ann as she prepares to transition from this role. Our Minneapolis synod will be electing a new bishop, you may have seen prior announcements about the process. I want to extend the invite for you to join in preparing, discerning and electing a new bishop.
On Sunday, during our annual meeting we at Redeemer will need to select our delegates (2 adults + 1 youth) who wish to participate in the Conference Assemblies, February 10 + Synod Assembly, May 2-4, 2024. Please reach out to myself or directly to the Bishop's Election Committee
- Conference Assemblies, February 10 from 9:00-12:30 pm, Elim Lutheran Church, Robbinsdale, 3978 W Broadway, Robbinsdale, MN 55422
- nominate bishop candidates
- nominate people for synod-wide positions
- nominate voting members for the 2025 Churchwide Assembly
- elect conference positions
- Bishop Nominee Forums (open to all)
- April 7, 2:00-3:30 pm
- April 10, 7:00- 8:30 pm
- Synod Assembly
- May 2-4, Location: Lord of Life Lutheran Church in Ramsey, MN
With "glad and generous hearts" we pray. As our Minneapolis Synod staff remind us, "We are called to be community even when the basic fabric that supports relationship is being frayed. We are called to live as the early church – which also faced many challenges to community – by living with glad and generous hearts."
- Your Sister in Christ
Jen Collins (she/her)
Sunday, January 28 12:30 pm call to order
This is the annual meeting of the church, where we celebrate and honor all the work of this past year, thank our Council Members who have completed their leadership terms as well as prepare for 2024. All are welcome to attend and add their voice to the conversations.
Thank you to 2023 Council Leaders: Mary Britt, Dave Scharnhorst, Carolyn Scherer, Christine Garces, Manny Lewis and Nica Taylor
Anticipated 2024 Council Leadership for Ballot:
President - Sara Stadie
Vice President - Stuart Munk
Treasurer - Mike Tarras
Secretary - Maggie Dexheimer Pharris
Worship Arts Music - Roger Mikelson *Continuing 1 more term
Stewardship - Beth Heinly-Munk *Continuing 1 more term
Fellowship - Jane Friendshuh
Property -
Education -
Evangelism Outreach -
Service + Advocacy -
*Note: Redeemer has not had a full council filling all seats for several years now, we are in conversation about other leadership models to best fit Redeemer.
Voting Members will be tending to the follow business: Approval of 2024 budget, Election of 2024 Council Leaders and Election of Synod Delegates for Assemblies.
**There will be break between worship ending and setting up in Fellowship Hall. Zoom will start as soon as we can get technology set up. Thank you. **
Sunday, January 28 at 1:30 pm
Join for the annual meeting of RCFL. All are welcome to attend and add their voice to the conversations. Voting Members of Redeemer will be affirming Sara Huelle as a board member, voting to change Article III, section 2 of bylaws allowing "The the Pastor MAY serve as an ex officio role or appoint a designee." as well as receiving updates. RCFL Bylaws and constitution.
Community Proposal - Meet Denetrick Powers
Sunday, January 28 at 10 am in Library
Join to meet community member Denetrick Powers, he wants to share his proposal for partnership in the Harrison Neighborhood through acquisition of 1830 Glenwood Ave Building, old Venture North. Come hear the proposal, meet Denetrick and help join in the conversation for discerning next steps with RCFL.
Our Stewardship theme this year is from Amanda Gorman, a 25-year-old brilliant poet: “There is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it!”
Here is a way to shine your light! I’m excited to remind all of us of our upcoming Annual Meeting on SUNDAY, Jan 28th staring at noon with a yummy potluck. Redeemer people make the best food!
For a successful annual meeting and potluck here is what we need:
1. Your Presence!!! Please attend. All are welcome and requested.
2. 5 people needed for set up of the fellowship hall on Sunday the 28th, from 9:00-10:30 am
- Table and chair set up
- Tablecloth duty
- Set up the potluck table with serving spoons, plates napkins, etc
- Welcome people as they drop off their dishes (taste test is allowed, a side benefit of this job)
- Make coffee and prep the coffee area / Make lemonade
- Prep the beverage and dessert table
- Cut and plate desserts
- HAVE FUN!!!!!
(I’ll have coffee, tea, donuts and yogurt waiting for your nourishment! If that doesn’t convince you nothing will!) 5-7 people for tear down/ clean up, likely until 2:00ish but I’ll take whatever time you can give. The more we have the faster it goes:
- Dishwash + Dry
- Put away stuff
- Collect the tablecloths to be washed
- Wipe down the kitchen
- Take out the trash and collect recycling
- Sweep / Mop if needed
Sounds like we need Cinderella doesn’t it! Don’t be scared I’ll give you an orientation to the kitchen. It looks daunting but it really isn’t!
Sign up in back of church this Sunday or call/ text me.
-Beth Heinly-Munk, 651-247-8903
Memorials suggested to Augsburg University, The Foundation at Children's Minnesota, ELCA World Hunger or Redeemer Lutheran Church, 1800 Glenwood Ave N., Mpls, MN 55405
Ways to Help:
Ushers - Arrive to Central Lutheran about 9:50 am, connect with Judy Hedman when you arrive. Join Central to help pass out bulletins and be a hospitable presence for folks as they arrive for visitation, service and reception. Contact Pastor Jen by February 11th if you are volunteering.
Desserts - Looking for people to bring cookies, bars as well as Gluten Free/ Nut Free options. These are needing to be provided in disposable or recycled containers at drop off. Can be directly given to Central's Kitchen Team. An official sign up coming soon to help ensure we have enough for those attending.
Greeter, Usher, Communion Setup & Serving, Readers
If you are joining us this Sunday, please sign up here, talk with Roger Mikelson (651-332-6849) or let Pastor Jen know.
Here are the roles:
Greeter Usher Communion Server Sanctuary Clean up
Kids Message (1-2 per month) Readers
Blessing + Ashes from 10-12 noon; for those who might not be able to attend the evening service. Please come by Redeemer and Pastor will be offering individual blessings and ashes.
Evening service will be held at 6:00 pm in Sanctuary. We will be joined with our Northside Parishes, Pastor Eric Hoffer to preach. (Facebook Live is offered online)
UPCOMING Worship Guests + Holy Days:
February 14- Ash Wednesday
February 14- March 24 (Lent Season)
March 28-29 - Holy Week (Maundy Thursday + Good Friday)
March 31 - Easter Sunday
Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 6:00- 8:00 pm
We will be moving into the season of Lenten season and partnering with our Northside Parish neighbors: Christ River of Life + Salem Lutheran Churches. This is starting to become a yearly partnership of sharing a meal and worshipping with Holden Evening Prayer Service.
We will be rotating who is hosting the meal. If you would like to sign up click below. We look forward to gathering!
Wanna join this book read + conversation?
We have 18 FREE* copies available until we run out. Please sign up to reserve your copy and secure your spot in our learning groups. We will spend intentional time reading this book from February through April, delving deeper into each chapter and getting to know one another.
Call to Allyship, through vivid (and sometimes painful) storytelling and profound insights, these leaders in the ELCA will invite participants into deeper conversation about the work that can be done by predominantly white congregations before calling a leader of color. It is also applicable to preparing space for any person of color regardless of rostered status. Prepare to learn and understand more about your own call to allyship as an act of living out your baptismal calling.
Pastor Jen will be hosting two times (TBD) for groups to gather. We hope you can make it as often as you can to have the fullest, richest experience. Upon registering, select a primary time so we can plan appropriately for our spaces.
*Free copies provided through a Thrivent Action Grant
Hosted by Faith & Prejudice
This is a great opportunity to gain skills and create grace-filled accountability within a community of lay leaders learning to engage their neighbors better!
- Part 1: Neighborhood Mapping
- Part 2: Learning how to do a 1:1
- Part 3: Planning a Neighborhood Event
Here are the dates and times
- January 30th: 6pm - 7pm CST
- March 26th: 6pm - 7pm CST
- May 28th: 6pm - 7pm CST
Please feel free to email Anna Stamborski with any questions at anna@faithandprejudice.com
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and City of Lakes Community Land Trust are building 17 affordable townhomes in the Harrison neighborhood of Minneapolis! Click here to learn more about the Harrison Townhomes.
The Harrison Neighborhood Association is working with Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid to provide free legal help every TUESDAY and THURSDAY from 10:00 am - 3:30 pm. They are able to help with family law, consumer, public benefits, housing, tax, and immigration problems. Walk-ins are welcome, however, appointments are preferred. Call 612-352-9778 or visit www.mylegalaid.org for more information. (1501 Glenwood Ave. Suite A, Mpls MN)
28- Annual Meeting at 12:30 pm
1-3- Pastor Jen with Pastor Eric + Rachel Carmichael for ELCA Hunger Gathering, Houston, TX
10- Conference Assemblies
14- Ash Wednesday
17- Ione Hanson Service, Central Lutheran 11:00 am
21- Wednesday Lenten Meals begin at 6:00 pm