We extend a BIG AMOUNT of Gratitude for all who helped coordinate, donate, cook and clean for the annual Soul Food Dinner. We thank all of our healthcare providers who came for the Vaccine Clinic in efforts to keep people healthy and up to date with the flu vaccine.
RCFL Board Hosts - Sunday, November 5 at 12:30 pm in Fellowship Hall
For more than 20 years Redeemer Center for Life (RCFL) has worked in partnership with the Harrison Community to provide youth leadership development, after school and summer programming, affordable and transitional housing, as well as greater community social and economic development advocacy work at policy and government levels. RCFL is currently reevaluating how to best serve the community of Harrison going forward. This listening session will be hosted to listen to the community in regard to greatest needs, what community services already exist, where are there needs not yet met, what needs could be better met? As well as what role(s) might Redeemer church play?
Light food provided. Please feel free to bring a dish or side to share.
Pastor Jen will act as Facilitator Guide for our time. We look forward to gathering with you as we listen to one another.
Honoring Sacred Waters Gathering
Tuesday, November 21 5:30-7:30 pm
Ecumenical partners coming together to support All Nations Indian Church and Indigenous People's Task Force
What to expect?
5:30pm - Fresh oven-fired pizza dinner
6:30pm - Honoring Sacred Waters Gathering with Nibi Play
7:30pm - Pie (bring a pie to share)
Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, 2315 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55404
Our gathering will include a Nibi (water) play by the Ikidowin Youth Acting Ensemble. This ensemble of Native youth actors is a program of Indigenous People's Task Force. The Indigenous Peoples Task Force strengthens the wellness of our community in a way that is based in indigenous values and ways of knowing. They were founded in 1987 to develop and implement culturally appropriate HIV education and direct services to the Native community in Minnesota. We know our community will not be completely well until all people have restored their relationships with each other and the earth.
At our gathering, a freewill offering will be collected to support the ministries of All Nations Indian Church. Around 6pm, we may have an opportunity for a pop-up choir to learn Nibi songs in Ojibwe to support the storytelling. Everyone is welcome!
Beginning October thru End of year
Learning is an important part of our journey, we have the opportunity to immerse ourselves through their voices and experiences in the stories they share. We also acknowledge we hope that connecting through relationships, conversations will move us into next steps toward action. These specific books are meant to be an inspiring, a place for reflection, awareness and motivation to strive to do more with what you will have experienced.
- Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer
- Books available thru grant - Pick up a copy in Church Office
- Once you have your copy, begin reading and we will gather together December 6 at 6:30 pm during the community meal
- December 6, Group Dinner + Conversation at Redeemer at 6:30 pm
- *Pick up a free copy in Redeemer Church office, while supplies last. Also found as an audio book, and local stores
- Call to Allyship: Preparing Your Congregation for Leaders of Color
- Books available thru grant beginning in Mid-November*
- Once you have your copy, begin reading and we will gather together January 10 at 6:30 pm during the community meal (online conversation options TBD)
- January 10 KICK OFF, Dinner + Intro to 2024 Lenten Learning (February thru March opportunities) at Redeemer at 6:30 pm
- Purchase through Augsburg Fortress
Again, congratulations to all who received a bible on Sunday or Wednesday. We hope that you explore and try out new ways to get to know God through stories, songs, prayer and conversation! Pastor Jen has some resources for you:
Augsburg Fortress, under 1517 Media publisher has a large selection of Bibles and books to engage with. Check out the selection. Maybe you'll want to start a small book group yourself!
Bible Tabs for your Bibles - don't worry about not having every book memorized. There are 66 of them! Here is a simple tool that can help navigate the different books of the Bible with ease.
Bible Guide and Journal
Are you able to sponsor a bible? Average cost is $20-25. Please make a sponsorship donation online here. *Note for Bible Sponsorship.
Join us for worship!
As always, our Sunday worship will be streaming on Facebook Live for those who are unable to join us in person. View the worship bulletin here. (Due to internet instability, we are no longer hosting worship on Zoom. Please reach out to Pastor Jen if you need help with digital accessibility.)
- November 5: All Saints Sunday
- What does this mean? A little background for learning about these Holy Days and why we celebrate All Saints. May we acknowledge the rituals, traditions held across many cultures; there are people in our neighborhoods and various faith communities who have practiced these holy days for years and people who are (re)creating ritual during these days: All hallows eve (American's have called Halloween), All Saints and All souls days (Dia de los Muertos). At Redeemer, who primarily has been a Christian, Protestant, Lutheran community, we tend to gather and recognize the first Sunday of November for All Saints Sunday which celebrates the baptized people of God, living and dead, who are the body of Christ. As November heralds the dying of the landscape in many northern regions, the readings and liturgy call us to remember all who have died.
- You're invited to visit the memorial table during Prayers of Intercession and light a candle.
- November 19: Guest Preacher, Rev. Sarah Anderson
- We will be swapping pastors on this Sunday. Christ the King (CtK) in New Brighton is celebrating their mission partnership partners, which Redeemer has been a local partner for years. Pastor Jen is preaching at CtK while, Pastor Sarah is joining Redeemer.
- WE NEED WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS - Setup (before 10:30 am), Greeter, Reader, Prayers of Intercession, iPad setup, Clean Up of the Space
- November 26- December 17: Advent Sundays
- Family Advent Candle Lighting, click the "Worship Volunteering" button to sign up.
We lift up and pray for the family of Gertrude Ammons, who died on October 20th. Redeemer will be hosting a memorial service, Friday, November 17 at 11:00 am. Gertrude was a member of Redeemer and will be missed. We send love and peace to the Ammons family. If anyone would be interested in helping offer Hospitality (greeting, assisting Pastor Jen) please contact Pastor about volunteering.
We are developing a Prayground in our worship space.
At Redeemer, as Jesus did, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the body of Christ. As we strive to be A Beacon of Hope, that also means letting our littlest of lights shine bright! We welcome the sounds and activity that accompany them! Kids learn from others, especially the adults in their lives. May we keep introducing our young people (infants on up) to the importance of gathering in sacred space fully and wholly as they are. Whether that sacred space is in our sanctuary, homes or great outdoors.
There are a number of spaces we are designing for our kids at all ages to experience and participate in, especially during worship. At the entrance to the worship space, kids can pick from a selection of quiet manipulatives and creative tools to take to their seats in the REDEEMER KID BAGS. There are baskets with a variety of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.
New to our Sanctuary in South East corner of our Sanctuary is The Prayground. Read more about other churches and where this idea was cultivated on link below. This area is designed for children to engage in age-appropriate activities while experiencing God in their own ways of worshipping in the sanctuary along with their families and the whole of the Redeemer community. We will be adding a wider liturgy library for all ages to explore, learn and grow with God as they find their way of belonging. This will stretch us as adults, reminding us of Jesus' ask to have "childlike faith" as we make enough space for kids to be kids wherever we are at on our journey.
Please stay tuned for more from Redeemer Families about how this is impacting their experience of worship and helping develop their children's faith.
Greeter, Usher, Communion Setup & Serving, Readers
If you are joining us this Sunday, please sign up here, talk with Roger Mikelson (651-332-6849) or let Pastor Jen know.
Here are the roles:
Greeter Usher Communion Server Sanctuary Clean up
Kids Message (1-2 per month) Readers
Sunday, December 10, 5:00 pm
Come sing with us!
Enjoy a wonderful evening of music with a purpose. We are excited to gather together. Folks who come can expect to sing some of their favorite Christmas hymns, hear some wonderful solos, as well as participate in a faith filled collaboration between Redeemer Lutheran Church & Edina Community Lutheran Church. It is going to be great!
Free will offering - proceeds go to Redeemer Glenwood Young Adult Housing. Help us meet our goal of $5K! Light Refreshments to follow. To make a generous gift ahead of the event go to:
Make a note on the form as you fill out your information "Christmas Glenwood"
Wednesday, December 6, 6:00- 8:00 pm
Welcome Rachel Carmichael, Salem Lutheran Church Staff member as Redeemer's NEW COMMUNITY MEALS COORDINATOR. Say hello to Rachel when you see her, get to know her more as you volunteer chopping!
This opportunity will fund and continue to support Redeemer's mission to be a Beacon of Hope for the Harrison Neighborhood, N. Mpls and beyond. We will offer monthly meals, beginning September 20th, 6:00-8:00 pm. Sign up to volunteer to prep, serve and be a community host (greet and connect people).
It has been awhile since we have updated our Breeze Church Directory, which means that we have a lot of out of date information! Please help us update you and your family’s information by filling out this Google Form. (Even if your contact and family information has not changed, please fill the form!)
If you prefer to provide your information in person, please contact the Church Office (612-886-1468). Please reach out to Sarah Stadie, Mike Tarras, or Maggie Dexheimer Pharris, if you have any questions or concerns!
Financial Updates:
September Income: $43,460.34*
August Expenses: $35,628.65
End of August Balance: $7,831.69
*$14,645 was received for our Imagination Grant Funding
Dear friends, members, and visitors,
The Redeemer Church Council wants to thank YOU for all the ways you give! When we work as a team, all things will be blessed! Thanks again or your generosity.
Please find attached our Summer/Fall 2023 Faith Matters Newsletter. This Newsletter includes Fall Save the Dates and more!
As always, the newsletter may also be viewed online here.
Reminders as we seek to care for the most vulnerable in our communities.
The new Covid variant is circulating and appears to be more infectious (but not more serious) than those previous (like influenza which changes each year and needs a new vaccine). The symptoms are the same and may appear within a couple of days from the time of exposure. However, it can take up to 10 days to show up. The other difference is that the Covid antigen (over the counter) tests may not turn positive for a few days even in those that are symptomatic. If you get Covid, ask your provider about Paxlovid which reduces the severity and length of illness and risk for long Covid.
For our community well-being:
- To minimize your risk of infection, use masks around those with Covid (cold) symptoms.
- To minimize spreading Covid to others, mask in public for 10 days after an unprotected/unmasked exposure to Covid - since Covid is transmissible up to 2 days before you have symptoms or a positive test.
- If you get Covid:
- isolate at home until symptoms are improving, are without fever (off medications that bring fever down) and test negative for Covid.
- mask in public until 10 days from the onset of symptoms or the positive Covid test (which ever is first - though the day count starts over for those asymptomatic with a positive test if they then develop symptoms)
Pastor Jen met the owner recently and discovered once a month there are Tiny Tots Thursdays + Second Saturday Storytimes for kids and families. If you like Cuppa Java, they're just across the street. Visit their event page to learn more.
Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity and City of Lakes Community Land Trust are building 17 affordable townhomes in the Harrison neighborhood of Minneapolis! Click here to learn more about the Harrison Townhomes.
The Harrison Neighborhood Association is working with Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid to provide free legal help every TUESDAY and THURSDAY from 10:00 am - 3:30 pm. They are able to help with family law, consumer, public benefits, housing, tax, and immigration problems. Walk-ins are welcome, however, appointments are preferred. Call 612-352-9778 or visit for more information. (1501 Glenwood Ave. Suite A, Mpls MN)
All Saints Sunday, beginning Oct. 22 bring your memories to build the community memorial table.
RCFL Listening Session at 12:30 pm
19- Partnership Sunday, Pastor Jen will be preaching at Christ the King + Pastor Sarah Anderson will be preaching at Redeemer
21- Thanksgiving Gathering at Our Saviour's 5:30-7:30pm
22-24 Church Offices CLOSED
26- First Sunday for Advent Worship at Redeemer
9- Christmas store at Redeemer
10- Christmas Concert Fundraiser at 5:00 pm
16- Christmas store at Salem
24- Christmas Eve worship at 10:30 am (Family Style, pajamas optional)
24- Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship at 7:00 pm