Weddings at Redeemer

Weddings at Redeemer

A wedding is a great day of celebration. The Redeemer community is thrilled that you are exploring having your wedding ceremony service here! You do not need to be a member at Redeemer to have your wedding here. If you are interested in learning about membership, please refer to the Contact Us information page.

A rostered leader (pastor) presides at all weddings. Guest rostered leaders (pastors or deacons) are welcome to participate, however, please discuss this with the Redeemer Pastor before inviting your guest rostered leaders.

Premarital preparation and counseling is required for all couples being married at Redeemer. This is meant as an open conversation, offering resources, tools to support the journey you are preparing for now and after your wedding day. You may opt for completion of the PREPARE inventory ($35 per couple), sessions with the officiating rostered leader and/or a certified marriage counselor. MN state does offer marriage license discounts for participating in the premarital preparation.

Talk to Pastor Jen when you are ready.