Grace + Peace to you!
I had some excellent experiences that made my heart and mind feel so good. If you did not know, I was out of town this past week with my kids and spouse. We decided to make an effort to do something together during our eldest's spring break. We did do something and some of the days maybe too many somethings because we were all exhausted, in a good way!
"Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18: 1-5
I was reminded how spot on Jesus was with the invitation to be like our children. So kind, honest, curious, expressive and full of self-compassion, empathy for another, wonder and love... kids are so remarkable. I learn so much from mine as well as other littles I encounter. One of the days, we sat at our breakfast table coloring at the same time. Yes, you can have food and art happen simultaneously. Request after request... "draw a bug, a flower, super kitties, candy, the sky..." We laughed at our efforts to express these requests on the pages, and my favorite was the back stories these drawings held. So much creativity and desire to bring life into this world, bright and silly, beautifully and wonderfully made. Another moment was when we were on an adventuring quest activity, kids running everywhere trying to solve puzzles. It was equally thrilling for Mike and myself, we had to restrain ourselves from solving the puzzles, it was so fun! I loved that my kids found another couple of friends during this activity...."MOM, we need your phone. Please can you share your number with Abby's mom*? We are friends and want to stay connected." Hmmm....I was impressed with how quickly my kids just befriended others. They formed teams, they worked together, all of a sudden us adults were just awkwardly standing in the narthex of the area wondering what to do. Yes, thanks to the kids some of the adults did start talking. We did exchange numbers to share Roblox screen names later even if these kids were states apart. I chuckled inside as when we departed, they hugged like they knew each other for years and they truly would miss their friend.
I am always in awe as an adult when I allow myself to tap into the childlike spirit, what might come into existence?! I was reminded on this time away that rest, can be active and fun. Rest and renewal can be taking time to tap into that childlike spirit, to be opened up to SEE life from our kids perspectives. What might we learn, how do we practice taking in our kids wisdom as they experience the world? May we all desire to love, learn, grow, imagine, create, befriend and wonder like this. Amen.
Your Sister in Christ, Pastor Jen
*name changed
Join in and meet some new neighbors. We will be partnering with "Pick Up the Block" organized by local neighbor Marcus Kar, Youthfarms, Loppet Foundation and Harrison Neighborhood Association. Help with clean up starting at Redeemer, assist with hospitality (coffee/ water and treats). Connect with Dennis West or Pastor Jen
Sunday, April 21 from 11:30-12:45 pm
Across the street from Redeemer is the Glenwood House. You are welcomed to come and see the upstairs unit and celebrate with us!
Our community is striving to be a community of hope for those who need a home. We have reimagined the Glenwood House transitioning from young adult LVC housing to family housing. We want this house to be working to provide housing for families, so that we can work together towards a pathway to build wealth and homeownership.
We give thanks to those at Redeemer, ECLC, Immanuel and St. Barnabas for helping us make these improvements possible.
Don't miss hearing the good news from these leaders...
April 21- Rev. Jenny Sung
May 5- Luther Park Camp Sunday
June 2- Nick Tangen, Mpls Synod Director of Faith Practices + Neighboring Practices
July 14- Guest Preacher TBD
July 21 + 28 - Rev. Jia Starr Brown
Greeter, Usher, Communion Setup & Serving, Readers
If you are joining us this Sunday, please sign up here, talk with Roger Mikelson (651-332-6849) or let Pastor Jen know.
Here are the roles:
Greeter Usher Communion Server Sanctuary Clean up
Kids Message (1-2 per month) Readers
Stay tuned for learning more about these colorful bins showing up in our building. We invite you to practice using the bins and thinking about how our waste gets disposed of as we care for God's creation. Thank you to Kim Jakus who applied for a Hennepin Grant to help get us started!
NEW Eco Faith Group forming at Redeemer!
Our Minneapolis synod has an Eco Faith Network, Redeemer has participated in many of their events and we've even hosted listening sessions, rallies for specific actions in our neighborhood and greater Twin Cities. There are a few people in our Redeemer community seeking to bring more of us together in small ways (like washing dishes) and big ways (coordinate plans for making our building more sustainable, i.e. solar panels, building efficiency, sustainable food solutions). This team can be a start for us building more awareness and working towards cultivating a more sustainable, just, and equitable community. As an Eco Faith Group, join together to take action for a new vision of God’s creation.
Reach out to Kim Jakus, Maggie Dexheimer Pharris to connect and sign up to help!
Fellowship Hall | 6:00- 8:00 pm
This is our final MONTHLY community meal of the season. We will shift to our OUTDOOR WEEKLY Summer Cookouts in June. Please join Rachel Carmichael between 3-6 to help prep and setup. Stay to meet a neighbor and enjoy a good meal!
Nathan Stock has worked in international peace-building for the last decade and currently works for the Carter Center in domestic depolarization and violence prevention efforts. He will be hosting the first two virtual meetings on May 2nd "Why Are We Polarized?" and May 9th "What You Can Do About It?" from 6 - 7pm CST.
Our final training, "Seeking the Peace of the City: Community Action Planning," will be held virtually and in person on May 16th 10 am - 12pm by Dan Nejefelt who worked for Faith in Public Life for over 15 years. He will be creating a space for community members to action plan how to prevent and respond to identity-based violence and polarization during this election season. It will take place at Plymouth Congregational Church in Minneapolis, MN.
Each training will build upon the other, but feel free to join for any/all! Sign up here and please pass along to anyone, all are welcome!
Echoes of the Divine: A Dialogue between Jewish and Christian Musical Traditions
Concert and Conversation - Free and open to the public
Sunday, April 14, 3:00-4:15 p.m. at Saint John's University
Monday, April 15, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. at University of Minnesota (Twin Cities)
Music can be a potent meeting place between religious traditions, offering a portal for audiences and musicians into another culture. Echoes of the Divine, using a salon format that includes both performance and conversation, features pianist Amy Grinsteiner, violinist Stephanie Arado, and narrator David Jordan Harris. Among the composers whose work is performed are Arvo Pärt, Ofer Ben-Amots, Joseph Achron, Maurice Ravel, Gerald Cohen, and Isabella Leonarda. Click here for more information about the event on April 14 and click here for more information about the event on April 15.
Interfaith Just Peacemaking: Muslim and Christian Resources for Restorative Justice
Annual Terence Nichols Memorial Symposium featuring Najeeba Syeed
Wed., Apr 17, 7:00-8:30 p.m., University of St. Thomas, St. Paul campus
Drawing on Muslim and Christian perspectives, Professor Syeed will explore the concept of interfaith just peacemaking and share examples of restorative peace building and justice in violent conflicts that seek a third way to resolve controversies, instead of violence or inaction. Sponsored by the Encountering Islam Initiative in the Theology Department in collaboration with the Jay Phillips Center for Interreligious Studies. Click here for optional registration and for more information.
The Harrison Neighborhood Association is working with Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid to provide free legal help every TUESDAY and THURSDAY from 10:00 am - 3:30 pm. They are able to help with family law, consumer, public benefits, housing, tax, and immigration problems. Walk-ins are welcome, however, appointments are preferred. Call 612-352-9778 or visit for more information. (1501 Glenwood Ave. Suite A, Mpls MN)
Sunday, May 5 AT 12:30 PM
Redeemer Church Upstairs Room
The Redeemer Center for Life Board is calling a meeting for the Voting Members* of RCFL to vote upon agreement and approval to sell 1830 Glenwood Building (Old Venture North Coffee/Bike shop). Please reach out to any of the board members with any questions ahead of the meeting. *A Voting Member is a member of Redeemer Lutheran Church, eligible to vote at the Redeemer Annual Meeting. Please know that all are welcome to attend and participate in conversation.
We will offer two opportunities to learn more, ask questions and to be well informed for the meeting.
- In-person, Sunday, April 28 at 12:30 pm in the Upstairs Meeting Room
- Zoom online, Thursday, May 2 at 6:30 pm (Passcode: Redeemer)
Enneagram Intro Workshop Retreat
Finding Balance, Connecting with your True Self, and Practicing Compassion
The Enneagram is a personality typing tool that is both psychological and spiritual. It helps us differentiate between our True Self (our Essence) and our False Self (our ego). The Enneagram doesn't slap ridgid labels on us, but instead it shows us that "box" that our personality has us trapped in so that we can get out of it and discover more choice and freedom in our lives. Each personality type has inherent spiritual gifts and each has inevitable challenges that lead to suffering. Let's explore together some practical (and non-shaming) ways we can develop compassion and understanding for ourselves and others! And we'll even have fun along the way!
When: Saturday May 18th, 9am - 12:30pm with a potluck lunch to follow
Where: Redeemer Lutheran Church
Who: Anyone age 16 and older can participate
Cost: $20 (includes lunch)
Facilitated by: Chelsea Forbrook - she/her (former RCFL staff, current spiritual director and Enneagram coach)
Workshop Take-Aways:
- Discover how your personality gets in the way of connecting with your True Self, God, and your relationships
- Insights on where in your life you are imbalanced and contributing to your own stress, and how to change that
- A deeper understanding of the Enneagram system and each of the 9 types
- A good idea of what your personality type is and how to work with it
- Understanding, empathy and strategies for relating to those different from you (family, friends, coworkers, enemies)
- Tools for showing up in a more present way so you can fully enjoy your life!
Summer Cookouts set to begin Wednesday, June 12. If you are interested in helping coordinate Redeemer's cookout week, and work with our community and church partners please reach out to Kelly Mielke or Pastor Jen to get connected.
20- Clean the Block, EARTH DAY Clean up 9:00 am
20- Immanuel Lutheran Council Retreat at Redeemer
21- Call to Allyship Guest Preacher, Lunch + Panel Conversation
1- Community Meal, 6:00-8:00 pm
2-4- Minneapolis Synod Assembly, Lord of Life in Ramsey, MN
5- Camp Sunday with Luther Park
5- RCFL Member Meeting, all are welcome to attend
18- Enneagram Retreat with Chelsea Forbrook, 9-12:30pm Open to All
2- Guest Preacher: Nick Tangen, Faith Practices + Neighboring Practices Sunday
5- Camp Sunday with Luther Park
12- First Summer Cookout