RESCHEDULED - April 21 at 2:30 pm
Stay tuned for learning more about these colorful bins showing up in our building. We invite you to practice using the bins and thinking about how our waste gets disposed of as we care for God's creation. Thank you to Kim Jakus who applied for a Hennepin Grant to help get us started!
NEW Eco Faith Group forming at Redeemer!
Our Minneapolis synod has an Eco Faith Network, Redeemer has participated in many of their events and we've even hosted listening sessions, rallies for specific actions in our neighborhood and greater Twin Cities. There are a few people in our Redeemer community seeking to bring more of us together in small ways (like washing dishes) and big ways (coordinate plans for making our building more sustainable, i.e. solar panels, building efficiency, sustainable food solutions). This team can be a start for us building more awareness and working towards cultivating a more sustainable, just, and equitable community. As an Eco Faith Group, join together to take action for a new vision of God’s creation.
Reach out to Kim Jakus, Maggie Dexheimer Pharris to connect and sign up to help!
MN ELCA EcoFaith Summit in Duluth on Saturday, April 6
9am -4pm (with lunch included)
The summit is organized annually by the NEMN, NEWI, and Saint Paul Area Synods. We support their efforts and recruit a Minneapolis Area contingent every year. Notably, this year the organizers are offering free registration for all attendees under 30.
This could be a good opportunity for folks from Redeemer to meet people from other EcoFaith and Green Teams across MN & WI. If distance is a barrier, we could help figure out some arrangements for car- or van-pooling.Details & RSVP here:
Let's take a quick look at numbers for January and February.
Tithing and general giving makes up 77% of our total budgeted income. It is by far the biggest part of our revenue.
Budgeted Giving: $43,250.00 | Actual Giving: $35,051.06
Total revenue through the first two months is short of our budgeted amount by 20.9%
Budgeted Revenue: $56,050.00 | Actual Revenue: $44,381.74
Expenses slightly exceeding our budget currently. We have spent 106% of our budget.
Budgeted Expense: $52,865.56 | Actual Expense: $57,396.50
Don't miss hearing the good news from these leaders...
April 7 - Bishop Mark Hanson
April 21- Rev. Jenny Sung
May 5- Luther Park Camp Sunday
June 2- Guest Preacher TBD
July 14- Guest Preacher TBD
July 21 + 28 - Rev. Jia Starr Brown
Greeter, Usher, Communion Setup & Serving, Readers
If you are joining us this Sunday, please sign up here, talk with Roger Mikelson (651-332-6849) or let Pastor Jen know.
Here are the roles:
Greeter Usher Communion Server Sanctuary Clean up
Kids Message (1-2 per month) Readers
Fellowship Hall | 6:00- 8:00 pm
This is our final MONTHLY community meal of the season. We will shift to our OUTDOOR WEEKLY Summer Cookouts in June. Please join Rachel Carmichael between 3-6 to help prep and setup. Stay to meet a neighbor and enjoy a good meal!
The Holy Spirit was moving through Conference Assemblies last Saturday, February 10. Members of the Bishop Election Committee (BEC) are grateful for voting members' prayerful participation in the synod's election process. The BEC received the top three nominees from each conference assembly, and our Synod VP Felecia Boone called nominees to ask about their openness to discerning a call to the office of the bishop.
As of Tuesday morning, we confirmed that 14 nominees agreed to continue their discernment as candidates for the office of the bishop. Please note that nominees can withdraw at any point in their discernment process. The individual pastors are:
Babette Chatman Aaron Fuller Stephanie Espinoza
Justin Grimm Norma Malfatti Joy McDonald Coltvet Jen Nagel
Dan Poffenberger Bradley Schmeling Siri Strommen Natalia Terfa Mark Tiede Kathryn Tiede Megan Torgerson
En paz,
Pr. Hierald, Chair, Bishop Election Committee
Enneagram Intro Workshop Retreat
Finding Balance, Connecting with your True Self, and Practicing Compassion
The Enneagram is a personality typing tool that is both psychological and spiritual. It helps us differentiate between our True Self (our Essence) and our False Self (our ego). The Enneagram doesn't slap ridgid labels on us, but instead it shows us that "box" that our personality has us trapped in so that we can get out of it and discover more choice and freedom in our lives. Each personality type has inherent spiritual gifts and each has inevitable challenges that lead to suffering. Let's explore together some practical (and non-shaming) ways we can develop compassion and understanding for ourselves and others! And we'll even have fun along the way!
When: Saturday May 18th, 9am - 12:30pm with a potluck lunch to follow
Where: Redeemer Lutheran Church
Who: Anyone age 16 and older can participate
Cost: $20 (includes lunch)
Facilitated by: Chelsea Forbrook - she/her (former RCFL staff, current spiritual director and Enneagram coach)
Workshop Take-Aways:
- Discover how your personality gets in the way of connecting with your True Self, God, and your relationships
- Insights on where in your life you are imbalanced and contributing to your own stress, and how to change that
- A deeper understanding of the Enneagram system and each of the 9 types
- A good idea of what your personality type is and how to work with it
- Understanding, empathy and strategies for relating to those different from you (family, friends, coworkers, enemies)
- Tools for showing up in a more present way so you can fully enjoy your life!
Summer Cookouts set to begin Wednesday, June 12. If you are interested in helping coordinate Redeemer's cookout week, and work with our community and church partners please reach out to Kelly Mielke or Pastor Jen to get connected.
28- Maundy Thursday at Salem Lutheran, 4150 Dupont
29- Good Friday at Christ River of Life, 2200 Fremont
31- Easter Sunday 10:30 am + Kid Egg Hunt (after worship)
7- Guest Preacher Bishop Mark Hanson
5-11- Pastor Jen Collins Out of Town
21- Call to Allyship Guest Preacher, Lunch + Panel Conversation
5- Camp Sunday with Luther Park
18- Enneagram Retreat with Chelsea Forbrook, 9-12:30pm Open to All