May you have a safe weekend. Peace be ever with you!
Each week we will have a different partnered host. It will be an opportunity to cook, serve and fellowship together. Zion in Buffalo will be our cookout meal host, come get to know a neighbor and say hi!
We will let everyone know the total when it arrives. It was a large community effort and we are grateful to all who made a donation and helped to organize.
Shift times are 6am-130pm and 1-930pm. Everyone can sign up for a max of 6 shifts. Youth/students will divide the tips and will receive a $60 stipend per shift. Youth that are 11-12 years old need to have a grown up with them (one grown up per one youth). We do have transportation to/from the fair that meets at our church - 4150 Dupont Ave N Mpls 55412. Tickets will be available at the church if you do not ride the van with us.
Good ideas to consider doing- make it a friend/family/church group activity, share with others especially those who may need volunteer hours and use us as a way to get into the fair. **Pastor Jen is volunteers Thursday, Aug. 29 AND Sat., Aug. 31 for the early shift (6am-1:30 pm), join her or create your own group!!!
Sundays after worship | Wednesdays @ 5:15 pm
Redeemer will be exploring holy connecting with each other and community through community walks this summer! We will try to offer two walks a week:
- Right after worship: meet at the church entry
- 5:15 on Wednesdays right before Redeemer's cookouts: meet in the backyard
Walks will be weekly and start on Wednesday, June 12 and Sunday, June 16! We look forward to walking with you!
Please reach out to Kelly Mielke | Sharon Gabriel | Sharon Mikelson with questions or if you want to help coordinate walks. Connect with Kelly Mielke to connect about helping coordinate.
1) Do you find energy and appreciate the power of prayer? We would love for you to join our NEW Prayer Team. This group would receive prayers by email or phone call, and the request is to join in praying for your community! Talk to Pastor if you are interested.
2) We want to lift you up in prayer! Please let us know your prayer requests, we'd love to include you on our Prayer List and have our newly forming Prayer Team pray with you! Prayers of thanksgiving, lament, recovery or celebration. If you wish to limit the details of your prayer just indicate so - only your Name will be included.
Voting Members should have received their letter in the mail
We celebrate and acknowledge the long standing ministry and work that has happened since the beginning of RCFL. There have been so many good things over the years with the emphasis on youth development, workforce development and attainable housing.
The Redeemer Center for Life Board has made the very difficult decision to dissolve the non-profit organization. While the recent history of the RCFL has been difficult, we celebrate the history and many great milestones of the organization that made it a pillar in the Harrison Neighborhood for so many years. The RCFL Board is committed to the smooth closure and sunsetting of the organization and, to that end, is working with the Redeemer Lutheran Church to ensure the transition is orderly and that the housing remains secure for the remaining active properties. RCFL is following the guidelines of the State Attorney General’s office and State of Minnesota Statutes for the dissolution of a nonprofit organization. This is a detailed process and will likely take several months.
Redeemer Lutheran Church is committed to stewarding the next phase with the community as we all plan for redevelopment and reimagining of what is next and how best do we honor our neighbors greatest needs. We still are a beacon of hope, that is now shining on what is to come. As people of faith and followers of Jesus, we believe in resurrection and new life. Redeemer church will strive to do our best as we navigate. We ask for prayers during the next season of transition for all persons and communities engaged. We ask for your patience as we go through this process. May God lead and guide.
Next community Q+A session with RCFL Board is Monday, July 15 from 6-7 pm. Please join either 1) in person in the library 2) via zoom (Meeting ID: 919 0952 8662 | Passcode: F9qsCC )
Don't miss hearing the good news from these leaders...
July 14- Rev. Dr. Wondimu Sonessa, Interim Director of Evangelical Mission with Minneapolis Synod
July 21 + 28 - Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown
THANK YOU - All volunteer worship spots were covered!
Baptisms | PRIDE | Outdoor Worship
July 7 - Fourth of July Worship at Salem Lutheran at 10:00 am
July 28- Northside Parish Joint Outdoor Summer Worship in the Backyard, Redeemer is hosting
September 1 - Labor Day Northside Parish Joint Outdoor Summer Worship in the Backyard, Redeemer is hosting
Go Fund Me Housing Help
Junail has been a community member who's been participating in the Health Commons at the Living Room as well as tabling at our block party last year. Since last year Junail has been advocating for unhoused persons and more equitable housing policy. She joins Redeemer at our cookouts, and has reached out with an ask of support. If you are able to help click link above or meet Junail through her organization:
Dakota Sacred Sites Open Tours
July 27, 9:00am - 1:00pm & August 27, 10:00am - 2:00pm*
Healing Minnesota Stories Dakota Sacred Sites Tours help people today more deeply understand the history and living legacy of Dakota Sacred Sites around the Twin Cities. Dozens of tours each year are organized for private groups. These two just-announced tours are open to the public. Register here.
*Pastor Jen Collins will be attending the August 27th Tour Date
NEW Community Liaison, welcome Kim Smith to the team of Health Commons at the Living Room. We hope you can stop in to meet Kim.
If you are visiting the Health Commons, they also offer blood pressure checks and an opportunity to talk with an onsite nurse, social worker and community liaison. Yoga is located at Redeemer Lutheran church, upstairs classroom, 5-6 pm.
The Harrison Neighborhood Association is working with Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid to provide free legal help every TUESDAY and THURSDAY from 10:00 am - 3:30 pm. They are able to help with family law, consumer, public benefits, housing, tax, and immigration problems. Walk-ins are welcome, however, appointments are preferred. Call 612-352-9778 or visit for more information. (1501 Glenwood Ave. Suite A, Mpls MN)
7 - Fourth of July Worship at Salem Lutheran at 10:00 am
10- Summer Cookout with Zion, Buffalo
11-22 - Pastor Jen Collins out of town at MYLE + Youth Gathering
14 - Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Wondimu Sonessa
17- Summer Cookout with Immanuel - PIZZA OVEN NIGHT!
21 - Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown
24- Summer Cookout with Westwood
26-29- Luther Park Summer Camp, Danbury, WI
28- Outdoor Summer Worship in the Backyard | Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown
31- Summer Cookout with St. Barnabas
7- Block Party, 5-8 pm