Peace + Blessings!
It is yet another opportunity for change as we, faith going folks enter into the PENTECOST season. The color on Sunday is RED! I am looking forward to this Sunday for many reasons, like celebrating Greta's BAPTISM* and also the remembrance of the coming of the HOLY SPIRIT!
My mantra this year that has been an encouraging, centering prayer stemming from the early church model from Acts 2 pertaining Life among the Believers, "day by day." As we all navigate this next season filled with summer travels from camps, trips, visits outdoors with people and creation. May we be stirred up in good, holy and exciting ways as the Spirit works.
Our Lutheran lens has us come to believe that we come to faith, remain in the faith, and live our lives of faith by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, she calls us, enlightens us, and indeed has made each one of us holy! Peace be ever with you as you move through this pentecost season. Amen.
Your Sibling in Christ,
-Pastor Jen Collins (she/her)
*At our baptism on Sunday, to meet the needs of our family celebrating please refrain from clapping, loud noises such as bursts of laughter or musical instruments. Many thanks as we strive to meet people where they are at.
Help is needed this Saturday, May 18, at the Minneapolis Central Church of Christ, where we partner to give out food and diapers to families from 10:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. We are short volunteers and diapers.
Might you be able to volunteer Saturday morning or drop off diapers at 1922 North 4th Street (2 blocks from church)? We are particularly in need of size 2 and 4 diapers; which even if you cannot stay to volunteer, can be dropped off between 9:30 and 11 a.m. on the Newton Ave side of the church building.
THIS SUNDAY - Sunday, May 19
Blessing during worship | activities after worship
...From bikes, scooters, wheelchairs, walkers, rollerblades... We'll gather during sending part of worship to bless riders and remember that God journeys with us however we propel ourselves! As we bless the riders of all things on wheels we prepare ourselves to go in safety, joy and Jesus wherever our summer time exploring will take us.
Bring your wheels for a ride through the alleyway and a sweet ice cream or popsicle treat to eat in the "backyard."
1) Do you find energy and appreciate the power of prayer? We would love for you to join our NEW Prayer Team. This group would receive prayers by email or phone call, and the request is to join in praying for your community! Talk to Pastor if you are interested.
2) We want to lift you up in prayer! Please let us know your prayer requests, we'd love to include you on our Prayer List and have our newly forming Prayer Team pray with you! Prayers of thanksgiving, lament, recovery or celebration. If you wish to limit the details of your prayer just indicate so - only your Name will be included.
Wanna get outside, have a chat, get to know Harrison. Stay tuned for upcoming summer walks. Connect with Kelly Mielke to share dates/times that might be best for you or to connect about helping coordinate.
Sunday, June 2 after worship
Fellowship Hall or Outdoors (weather permitting)
Everyone is welcome to join in a celebration of new babies as we support our families at Redeemer and the greater community. There will be food and fun for all. Feel free to bring an unwrapped gift (such as diapers, wipes, books, baby socks, clothes, gift cards, etc). These baby items will be collected in a basket for our families to choose from at the event. Folks are also welcome to bring diapers to donate to the diaper ministry that reaches our wider North Minneapolis community (sizes 3 - 6 most needed). Gifts are not required to join in the festivities.
Lonna and Chris: Baby boy due in July
Sarah and Marco: Second baby due in July
Jasmine and Traiveon: Second baby due mid-May
Kimberly and Román: Daughter Freya Quetzal, born April 2024
Cora and Nick: Daughter Symarah Kirsch, born February 2024
Jaymie and Aaron: Daughter Ida Wahlen-Bingea, born January 2024
- 1830 Glenwood, We thank everyone who showed up for the voting meeting. The approval to move forward with the sale process of 1830 Glenwood to Denetrick Powers was approved. The acquisition process will move forward, next is a time of due diligence for both parties. More information to come as RCFL navigates this sale process.
- 1814 / 1813 Glenwood "16-plex", The Redeemer Center for Life (RCFL) Board has made the difficult decision to close the 16-Plex apartment building, located at 1814/1816 Glenwood Avenue, effective June 28, 2024. Residents were given three months’ notice, and we are working to the best of our ability to make this a smooth transition. It is our hope that with guidance from the Redeemer Lutheran Church family and the Harrison Community that the space can be re-envisioned to the betterment of all.
- Both RCFL Board and Redeemer church council are working together to support each other and discern together next steps for the organization. RCFL will continue to share information as it comes available. We ask for patience, prayers and understanding during these continued transitions.
Don't miss hearing the good news from these leaders...
June 2- Nick Tangen, Mpls Synod Director of Faith Practices + Neighboring Practices
June 16- Pulpit swap, Pastor Stephanie Luedtke preach at Redeemer + Pastor Jen will be at St. Barnabas in Plymouth
July 14- Rev. Dr. Wondimu Sonessa, Interim Director of Evangelical Mission with Minneapolis Synod
July 21 + 28 - Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown
Pentecost | Baptisms | Juneteenth | PRIDE | Outdoor Worship
May 19 - Pentecost (color of day is Red) + Greta Hulden Albanese Baptism
May 19 - Blessing of the wheels
May 26- Memorial Day worship 10:00 am at Christ River of Life
June 2- Faith Practices + Neighboring Practices Sunday
June 9 - Blessing of the Graduates
June 23- Outdoor Summer Worship in the Backyard
June 30 - Prayer 'n Praise style worship + Pride Sunday
July 7 - Fourth of July Worship at Salem Lutheran at 10:00 am (MYLE blessing + Sending)
July 28- Outdoor Summer Worship in the Backyard
Evangelism and Outreach: Kelly Mielke has been actively meeting with contacts from our partner churches to identify areas in which we can connect. Several Redeemer members have joined Kelly in these meetings. She is also reaching out to partners to engage them with the summer cookouts and the August 7 block party. Perhaps you might also want to engage in Kelly's ministry team?
Education (Rachel Birkedal) and Youth (Linnae Nelson-Seys) have been active in organizing/supporting the Easter Egg Hunt, the Call to Allyship book studies and panels, May 5 Camp Sunday, and supporting participation in the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event and the ELCA Youth Gathering, as well as family camp at Luther Park this summer.
Property Committee Dennis West organized Redeemer's participation in and site hosting of the Harrison neighborhood cleanup (he arranged for bags, gloves, and grabbers from the city). Dennis also did extensive research on oven options for the kitchen and presented the Executive Committee a summary of stove options to replace the gas oven. The Property Committee is also working on replacing the carpet in the main office.
The Redeemer Council meets the third Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Classrooms. You are welcome to sit in on council meetings. You can also talk with any council members to share your ideas and/or concerns.
Also, as the council minutes are approved, they are posted on the back hall bulletin board (between the drinking fountain and children's room).
-Maggie Dexheimer Pharris, Council Secretary
June 12th | From 6-8pm
Wednesday evening cookouts are back! Beginning June 12th and weekly through August 7th (BLOCK PARTY NIGHT), join us for our weekly backyard cookouts. We'll be teaming up with partner congregations and community organizations to serve up food, fun, and fellowship! If you'd like to volunteer, reach out to Kelly Mielke, or Pastor Jen.
J.A.M. CAMP | JUNE 24-27th
8am to 3:30pm daily** | Kindergarten - 5th Graders
In collaboration with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Edina Community Lutheran Church, and Christ River of Life, campers will engage in activities surrounding topics of social Justice, Arts, and Music. Breakfast and lunch will be offered daily at camp. The whole family can join in! Volunteers are needed to serve as junior leaders (finishing 6th grade and older) and group leaders. Register below!
**Extended hours for families that need care til 5:00 pm
Current Opportunities to Serve at Redeemer....
- Neighborhood Walks - coordinate and host
- Cookouts - Meal Prep (4-6 pm), Hospitality, Serving, Connector (say hi, introduce people)
- Block Party Team - Start planning for August 7th, 5-8 pm | Food | Kid Activities | Community Engagement
- Community Gardens - help plant, grow, harvest and gather with Harrison neighbors in Peace 'n Power Garden
- Worship - every Sunday join in leading a part of worship (reading, prayers, communion, ushering, kids messages)
- Prayer & Care Team - receive community prayers and pray, connect with people, support Pastor with calls and visits
To start serving in one of these roles, talk with your council leaders or Pastor.
T. Williams, LET'S CELEBRATE Our Community Member's Milestone
Not only is it’s T. Williams birthday, which do send him some well deserved wishes…His book is being released soon. Already available to pre-order through many book stores and online. MN Historical Society is getting his stories published! Such a gift to know T., a generous, kind, committed person who has been such a bright hope and voice for so many. We give thanks for T. Williams and all he has and continues to do for his communities.
Did you know our Worship director, Alyssa Schwitzer and pianist Kent Goodroad have a youth music academy?
Check out LK-Arts Academy. If you can attend to support our Redeemer music leader, there are two performance opportunities in June:
- Saturday, June 1st @ 10 am: Summer Recital scheduled @ Nokomis Heights Lutheran Church (5300 10th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN). If interested in participating, please RSVP by Monday, May 20th.
- Thursday, June 13th @ 6 pm: Kingfield Porchfest. This is an outdoor event, our stage will be at the The Healing House (6 East 45th St. Minneapolis, MN 55419). If interested in participating, please RSVP by Monday, May 20th.
Now is a perfect time to go solar, and you don't have to figure it out by yourself. Two organizations that care about the planet are working together to make solar for homeowners easy and low cost.
MN Interfaith Power & Light and Solar United Neighbors have created buyers' groups (aka Solar Co-ops) that offer free education and guidance and more competitive pricing from installers.
You can join a Solar Co-op for free, find out if solar is a good fit for your home, and get a discounted price from a vetted, trusted installer.
Installing solar on your home dramatically reduces the greenhouse gasses you create. It cuts your utility bills, and it raises your home's value. Through tax credits, the federal government will pay for 30% of the cost of your solar system, and you may qualify for utility and municipal incentives as well.
Going solar is the right choice for the earth and future generations. You don't have to go it alone. Let MNIPL and Solar United Neighbors help.
Click here to join or learn more about the Twin Cities Solar United Co-op!
NEW Community Liaison, welcome Kim Smith to the team of Health Commons at the Living Room. We hope you can stop in to meet Kim.
If you are visiting the Health Commons, they also offer blood pressure checks and an opportunity to talk with an onsite nurse, social worker and community liaison. Yoga is located at Redeemer Lutheran church, upstairs classroom, 5-6 pm.
The Harrison Neighborhood Association is working with Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid to provide free legal help every TUESDAY and THURSDAY from 10:00 am - 3:30 pm. They are able to help with family law, consumer, public benefits, housing, tax, and immigration problems. Walk-ins are welcome, however, appointments are preferred. Call 612-352-9778 or visit for more information. (1501 Glenwood Ave. Suite A, Mpls MN)
19- Pentecost, color of the day is Red | Blessing of the Wheels
19- Baptism Greta Albanese
26- Memorial Day Worship at Christ River of Life, 10:00 AM
30-June 3 - Pastor out of town
2- Guest Preacher: Nick Tangen, Faith Practices + Neighboring Practices Sunday
2- Baby Shower for our Redeemer Families, more info to come.
9 - Blessing of the Graduates
12- First Summer Cookout
16- Guest Preacher Pastor Stephanie | Commemoration of Emmanuel 9
19- Juneteenth | Summer Cookout
23- Outdoor Summer Worship in the Backyard
24-28- JAM CAMP at ECLC
26- Summer Cookout
30 - Prayer 'n Praise style worship + Pride Sunday
7 - Fourth of July Worship at Salem Lutheran at 10:00 am (MYLE blessing + Sending)
10- Summer Cookout
14 - Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Wondimu Sonessa
17- Summer Cookout
21 - Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown
24- Summer Cookout
28- Outdoor Summer Worship in the Backyard | Guest Preacher Rev. Dr. Jia Starr Brown
31- Summer Cookout