Announcements ~ March 17, 2023
image: This week's gospel banner image is "The Touch" by Aaron & Alan Hicks
Tomorrow, March 18th
Redeemer Church Council will be gathering tomorrow at The Blessing House for the annual retreat. Look for updates in the April Newsletter! Executive Meetings will be on 1st Tuesdays; Full Council will meet on 3rd Tuesdays at 6:30 pm. Please keep in touch with your leaders!
Place Your Orders Now
If you'd like to purchase flowers for Easter in memory or honor of a loved one, you may do so through Gertens. There are numerous options to choose from, ranging from $8 to $20 per plant. Complete this order form. You may pay online or by check or cash. If by check, please include "flowers" in the memo field.
The Branch family expressed their gratitude for the love and support this community provided, especially on Thursday during Cheryl's celebration of life memorial service. Thank you for showing up in the many ways people did. May we continue to walk with the Branch’s and keep loving them.
We continue to collect and deliver diapers - especially sizes 3 to 6 - to our neighborhood food shelf at MCCC on the 3rd Saturday of each month. We'll deliver this month's load tomorrow, March 18th, at 10am. As always, you may drop diapers off Sundays at church or during mid-week office hours.
As always, we will gather this Sunday morning for Coffee Hour at 9am followed by Worship at 10:30am. If you cannot join us in person, you may worship via Zoom (passcode: Redeemer) or Facebook Live and follow along with the bulletin here on the website.
Come learn about memory for faces with guest speaker Dr. Ben Denkinger following worship downstairs in the fellowship hall. Light lunch and refreshments provided. Those who volunteer to have their picture taken will receive a $5 target gift card.
Some seniors struggle with learning how to use their smartphones, computers, and other devices, and The HOME Program (through Senior Community Services and Hennepin County) can help! If you're 60+ and want to connect by phone or in-person with a tech support specialist to better learn your devices, call the Hennepin County hotline (952-767-7893) or email them to get started.
Redeemer Council and Pastor Jen would like our community to apply to join the next session of the Synod’s grant. This is a great learning opportunity and seems to be the right season for Redeemer to engage in this work. Read more about this opportunity here.
We need you! Sign up ahead of time to help us practice sharing in leading our worship time together in community. As you volunteer you will be equipped with the know how and be surprised how simple it is! People will also get to know you more. SIGN UP HERE.
Tomorrow ~ Council Retreat
Tomorrow at 10am ~ RLC + MCCC Diaper Day
March 19, 2023 ~ Augsburg Research Photo Op
11:30am - 1:30pm after worship
March 29, 2023 ~ Food & Faith Learning
First Communion learning session at Christ the River of Life
April 2 - 9, 2023 ~ Holy Week
4/2 Palms to Passion Sunday (at Redeemer)
4/6 Maundy Thursday & First Communion Worship (at Salem)
4/7 Good Friday (at Redeemer)
4/9 Easter Morning (at Redeemer)
April 16, 2023 ~ Pastor Nicholas Tangen @ RLC
Pastor Nicholas Tangen will join us to talk about the Minneapolis Area Synod's Faith & Neighboring Practices Grant
April 23, 2023 ~ Earth Day Songs are Seeds Concert
Earth Day Benefit Concert with MN Interfaith Power & Light (MNIPL).
Tickets on sale now.
Summer 2023 ~ Redeemer Goes to Camp!
6/26-6/29: Summer J.A.M. Camp at Redeemer (grades K-5)
7/28-7/30: Family Camp @ Luther Park (registration open!)