Announcements ~ March 27, 2023

First Communion Food & Faith Learning

Join us this Wednesday, March 29th at 6:30pm at Christ the River of Life (2200 Fremont Ave. N, Mpls MN) for a Food & Faith learning event about First Communion. This will be a celebration of communion for those who will be receiving it for the first time at the Northside Maundy Thursday service, and an invitation to learn more about this sacred meal to all who already partake. Learn more here and plan to join us Wednesday!

Palms to Passion Sunday

Join us this coming Sunday, April 2nd, at 10:30am for Palms to Passion Sunday. We will have palms for a Palm Processional at the opening of our worship service, marking the start of Holy Week.

We are in need of FIVE readers, one person to assist with the hand/foot washing station, and two ushers for Palms to Passion Sunday. Help share a part of Jesus’ journey as we move through from palms to passion. SIGN UP HERE

Good Friday Helpers Needed

Friday, April 7th @ 6pm

Are you available on Good Friday? We need help setting up and preparing for this contemplative, interactive evening.

We are looking for two volunteers to help us set up our interactive stations.

Email Amy or Pastor Jen to volunteer.

Easter Morning Helpers Needed

Sunday, April 9th @ 10:30am

+ Set-up the Sanctuary
+ Easter Egg Hunt Prep: Gather, fill, & hide eggs!
+ Greeters (10-15 min. early)
+ Ushers + Readers
+ Communion Servers
+ Worship Clean-up (2 folks)
+ Pre-K - 4th Grade Kids' Easter Egg Hunt (courtyard)
+ Photo booth helpers

March 29, 2023 ~ Food & Faith Learning

First Communion learning session at Christ the River of Life

April 2 - 9, 2023 ~ Holy Week

4/2 Palms to Passion Sunday (at Redeemer)
4/6 Maundy Thursday & First Communion Worship (at Salem)
4/7 Good Friday (at Redeemer)
4/9 Easter Morning (at Redeemer)

April 16, 2023 ~ Pastor Nicholas Tangen @ RLC

Assistant to the Bishop, Pastor Nicholas Tangen, will join us to talk about the Minneapolis Area Synod's Faith & Neighboring Practices Grant

April 23, 2023 ~ Songs are Seeds Earth DayConcert

Earth Day Benefit Concert with MN Interfaith Power & Light (MNIPL).
Tickets on sale now.

Summer 2023 ~ Redeemer Goes to Camp!

6/26-6/29: Summer J.A.M. Camp at Redeemer (grades K-5)
7/28-7/30: Family Camp @ Luther Park (registration open!)


Announcements ~ March 31, 2023


Announcements ~ March 17, 2023