Announcements ~ March 31, 2023
Would you like to join the music team on Easter Sunday? We are looking for extra voices on a few songs we are planning on sharing Easter Sunday, April 9th.
We will rehearse after worship this Sunday (Palms to Passion Sunday) and at 9am on Easter Sunday. If you have any questions or you'd like to listen to the songs prior to these rehearsals, please email Alyssa. We are looking forward to singing with you - the more the merrier!
Sunday, April 2nd
10:30am at Redeemer
Join us this Sunday morning for Palms to Passion worship. We will begin our service with a Palms Processional for which palms will be provided. Then we will move through Jesus's journey from his triumphal entry to the Passion, in Scripture and song.Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Thursday, April 6th
7pm at Salem | 6pm Dinner
Join us Thursday, April 7th at Salem Lutheran Church for a community dinner at 6pm followed by worship and first communion celebration at 7pm in remembrance of Jesus and his disciples’ Last Supper in the Upper Room. 4150 Dupont Ave. N, Mpls.
Friday, April 7th
7pm at Redeemer
We will gather together for as the northside parish for Good Friday worship at Redeemer. During this evening service we will offer interactive stations with several spiritual practices: stories, prayer, movement, songs, candles and labyrinths. Pastor Eric Hoffer of Salem will share a message.
EASTER MORNING | Helpers Needed!
Sunday, April 9th
10:30am at Redeemer
We have lots of opportunities for volunteers on Resurrection Morning! Email Amy or Pastor Jen to volunteer in any of the following capacities!
+ Set-up the Sanctuary
+ Easter Egg Hunt Prep:
gather, fill, & hide eggs!
+ Greeters (10-15 min. early)
+ Ushers + Reader
+ Communion Servers
+ Worship Clean-up (2 folks)
+ Pre-K - 4th Grade Kids'
Easter Egg Hunt (courtyard)
+ Photo booth helpers
Congratulations to the Nelson-Seys Family ~ Linnae, Jamie, Abraham, and Leora ~ on the birth of their daughter and sister last Sunday, March 26th!
Save the Dates!
April 16, 2023 ~ Pastor Nicholas Tangen, assistant to the Bishop, will join us to talk about the Minneapolis Area Synod's Faith & Neighboring Practices Grant
April 23, 2023 ~ Songs are Seeds Concert Earth Day Benefit Concert with MN Interfaith Power & Light (MNIPL). Tickets on sale now.
Summer 2023 ~ Redeemer Goes to Camp!
6/26-6/29: Summer J.A.M. Camp at Redeemer
(grades K-5)
7/28-7/30: Family Camp @ Luther Park
(registration open!)