Announcements ~ April 14, 2023

Sunday Worship at 10:30am

This Sunday the Mpls Synod's Director of Faith & Neighboring Practices, Rev. Nicholas Tangen, will preach. After worship we will host Lunch & Learn workshop: Faith & Neighboring Practices
As always, you may join us via zoom (password: Redeemer) or on facebook. The bulletin is here.

Volunteer in Worship!

We are always looking for helpers to volunteer in leading worship! From greeters and ushers to readers and communion assistants, we invite you to lead our liturgy! All ages are welcome to participate. If you'd like to read, usher, assist with communion, or volunteer in another capacity, reach out to Pastor Jen!

Diaper Drop Day

Tomorrow at 10:am | Our neighborhood food & supplies pantry at MCCC is still in need of diapers of all sizes for their weekly drive-thru pantry! Bring diapers to Redeemer by 10:30am or help us out at MCCC (the Corner of 4th & Newton). To volunteer, contact Sally!

1,000 Comments for Minneapolis

Monday, April 24 | 6:30-8:30pm
Visit to learn more
The city of Minneapolis releases a draft 10-year climate plan on April 19th, followed by a 30-day public comment period. Our goal is for 1000 Minneapolis residents to submit comments on the new plan on April 24th. Your voice will be critical to ensuring the plan is equitable and reflects the bold changes necessary to address the climate crisis.

Welcome Baby Gardell!

Sunday, April 30 | 12:00pm
You are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall after worship on April 30th for a community baby shower in honor of Emander, Gardell, and celebrating the birth of their baby boy Gardell Sanford IV! Emander and Gardell are registered at Emander has been on our worship team for a long time, and we're thrilled to celebrate her family!


Join us in the Redeemer Backyard May 7th from 1-3pm for a kickoff bbq where you can learn more about this summer's JAM Camp for elementary aged kids, kindergarten through fifth grade. We'll have games, food, and lots of fun! For more information or to sign up, contact Pastor Jen

George Floyd Rise & Remember

May 27th at George Floyd Square (38th & Chicago) — George Floyd Global Memorial (GFGM) Rise and Remember exists to hold in remembrance those we have lost to the pervasive impacts of systemic racism, and to gather people to pursue racial justice and equity.

Our vision is that through this annual event, we can inspire people to rise to the occasion, come together in community, and build racial equity. Kids Zone & Volunteers Needed! Sign Up Here.

JUNE 2023

* Sunday June 4th - PRIDE Celebration in WORSHIP

* June 7th: Summer Cookouts Begin!
Every Wednesday from June 7 through August 2 we'll host our summer cookouts from 6-8pm with our community & partners! If you'd like to volunteer, please contact Manny Lewis!

* June 11th: Blessing of the Graduates in Worship — Are you or others in your family graduating from high school, college, trade, or technical school? We would love to celebrate and uplift this milestone in your journey! Show up at 10:30 am in worship to be blessed and receive a gift from Redeemer!

*June 26-29th: JAM Camp (8am-3pm Daily) — We're hosting this summer's K-5th Grade Jam Camp in collaboration with St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Edina Community Lutheran Church, and Christ River of Life. This week campers will engage in activities surrounding topics of social justice, art, and music. Breakfast and Lunch to be offered every day of camp. Cost is $25 per camper, and siblings and family members are welcome to join as helpers and volunteers! Registration opens soon.

JULY 2023

*July 28-30th: Family Camp at Luther Park — Redeemer goes to camp! We invite families, individuals, and couples to join us during session 5 at Luther Park. You may opt to join the family camp programming or create your own retreat! This is a wonderful opportunity, so register and select your options that fit best. Learn more and register here.


*August 12th: ANNUAL BLOCK PARTY!!! — We're collaborating with RCFL and neighborhood organizations to revitialize our Annual Block Party this August! In preparation, we are searching for Volunteer Coordinators to help us recruit and organize for this COMMUNITY GET TOGETHER! Areas of interest include: Food (popcorn, snow cones, cotton candy), Kid Zone, Logistics Team. Talk to Pastor Jen, Trai Dunlap, or Manny Lewis to get involved!

Northside Summer Holiday Worship Collaboration
Sunday, May 28:
Memorial Day Weekend AT SALEM
Sunday, July 2: Fourth of July Weekend AT REDEEMER
Sunday, Sept. 3: Labor Day Weekend AT CHRIST RIVER OF LIFE


Announcements ~ April 24, 2023


Announcements ~ March 31, 2023